Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I wanted to post this in my blog somewhere and I think I should do it now. As you should know by now I am a proud Christian girl. I am growing up in a Christian home, going to a baptist church that I ADORE and I have many Christian friends that support me with my walk with Christ. I am also one of those girls who wear a ring on their wedding finger. Its called a purity ring. I am still in the process of getting an actual purity ring but I think I like mine right now. A purity ring is where you make a commitment to God saying that you will stay pure until marriage. Unlike what Hollywood thinks, all of their movies are not pure. You have to really be careful about what you watch because do to dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin and serotonin, chemicals in your brain, you will not be able to forget these images or words. Books that talk about impure things are bad too. Us Christians, really have to watch ourselves in today's world because Hollywood and Satan have made it really hard for us to stay pure. I encourage all of you to really think about your life and if you need to change. You can post a comment on this post about your walk with God if you like and if you need prayer about your walk with God, please be sure to post on here and say so. I would really love to pray for you. :)

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