Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blessed are the Pure

Blessed are the pure at heart, for they will see God.
Matthew 5:8
Lord, please keep my heart pure while I am here at college. Help me be able to see You, for You alone are worthy.
Forever and Always a JesusChick ♥

Monday, January 7, 2013

smile a little mondays {fail}

do you remember the post in which i spoke about my best-guy-friend whom i had a crush on? well, on friday, he told me that he had been crushing on me for a few years now but did not want to say anything. i took a deep breath, calmed my stomach butterflies, and told him that i thought the same way about him. needless to say, i am really happy right now and for that reason i was going to put together a cutesy version of my smile a little monday posts but alas, i cannot upload photos right now because blogger does not like me at the moment. how dare it. how can you not like this face? please don't answer that question. anyways, it totally bummed my happy mood.
instead, i shall have to ask you just to visit my pinterest and find some pictures to entertain yourself with. while you do that i shall continue my giddiness by fangirling over one direction.
the music video for kiss you comes out today.
and it's a monday (*cough cough* kayleebeth. *cough cough*).
life is good.
forever and always a jesuschick ♥
post scriptum: it is strange how i feel like every post concerning my crush needs to be typed in lowercase. that, and i am simply adoring this style of writing. i have an urge to wear slippers (done) and sip minty hot chocolate (just about to). i just feel free.