Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day randomness

So, it finally arrived. Valentine's Day. The season of chocolates, flowers, and all that nice mushy-gushy stuff. Excuse me while I go hug my pillow, and watch movies that have Josh Hutcherson in them, dreaming that he's mine. (Because he is ♥)

And, here's a (late, I apologize) Smile a Little Monday.

*Sigh* Don't ya just love him?? If you do, BACK OFF! My Josh. :P You come near him and I'll sic the lizard in Journey 2 on you. (Yeah, I saw the movie on Friday :)) I'll have a movie review coming soon! )

~Peace, love, Sweetheart candies~


  1. Yeah, well, that's just a movie lizard. My pitbull is fierce, girl. Rawr XD

    Nah, seriously, this has me cracking up!! i love the first one, the Patrick Valentine, the shutter shirt, the little boy, and that dr. suess quote is just pure awesomeness. and josh... how did you get a picture of my boyfriend?? :P

    Jessica @ Diary of a Beautiful Soul

  2. Jessica: And I have a German Shepard so if you come near MY boyfriend, you will be licked to death ;) He's MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE! :P Teehee

  3. L.O.L!!!!!! "I'd love you even if you were so ugly everyone died." That made me laugh (for real, like not in my brain laugh but out loud laugh)! :):)

  4. Josh is such a cutie ;) YEAH! YEAH I SAID IT!!! BITE ME! MWAHAHAHA-*COUGH-COUGH*...................................................................................................
    jk... ;) I luv you :D


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